Sparkling Cocktail with Seaweed Salt Rim

Sparkling Cocktail with Seaweed Salt Rim

Product used in this recipe: Rainbow Seaweed Salt


5-6 cubes of ice
1 tsp freeze dried Natif Davidson plum powder
1 tsp Alg Seaweed Rainbow Seaweed Salt
A wedge of lemon
ETCH Davidson Plum & Strawberry Gum Sparkling
For garnishing:
Lemon thyme or rosemary
Natif freeze dried native fruits (muntrie, rosella and desert lime)


  1. To make the salt rim, mix Davidson plum powder and Rainbow Seaweed Salt on a shallow plate.
  2. Take the wedge of lemon and run it around the rim of a highball glass.
  3. If you prefer you can also moisten the rim with syrup or water.
  4. Place the glass upside down and coat the rim with seaweed salt and Davidson plum mixture.
  5. Place ice into the glass, carefully pour ETCH Sparkling into the glass.
  6. Garnish with lemon thyme/rosemary and native fruits. Enjoy!
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