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5 Facts about Seaweed from a Dietitian

5 Facts about Seaweed from a Dietitian

Here’s 5 facts about seaweed from a dietitian that you may not have known! Seaweed has been safely consumed for centuries in East Asian and Pacific culture cuisines. However, not all “seaweed” is created equal or safe to eat! The most common types of...
Mindful Eating and Umami

Mindful Eating and Umami

You might be reading this thinking what do mindful eating and Umami have in common? Hear me out. Turns out the top New Year’s resolution of 2024 was prioritising mental wellbeing. I think that’s pretty special given how often prioritising our physical...
What is Umami? And why you need to add it to your meals.

What is Umami? And why you need to add it to your meals.

Umami might already be on your radar, but do you *actually* know what it is? Well in this blog, I thought I’d shed some light on what is umami? And why you need to add it to your meals. To kick things off, we’re going back to school- culinary school to be precise, to...